Hypertrax Arena
Visited on - 21/09/2018 and 24/10/2018 HYPERTRAX ARENA LTD:- Hypertrax Arena are a unique experience, fast and fun on electric vehicles. When we say fast, trust us when you're sat in that seat driving only by a joystick, it feels extremely fast! Guaranteed to put a smile on your face, providing great fun for the experience motor buff and novice alike. (taken from Hypertrax website) Aisha and Alison My Experience:- When I first saw Hypertrax Arena advert on Facebook I was so excited, and my birthday was coming up and thought this is the best time to treat myself with my partner in crime Alison, and when I say treat I mean it was the best birthday treat I gave myself. The first time I visited Hypertrax Arena was on the 21-09-2018 and as you can see by the expression on our faces above, I was so hyper and excited. The weather was awful it was raining, windy and the tracks was full of big puddles but no way did that stop me! instead it made it more fun lol. I was ...